Zoo Talk

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Monday, April 04, 2005

Upcoming Events

The Pope will be buried this week, on Friday. That is also the day Prince Charles is scheduled to marry the woman he's had a long-time affair with. While nothing is definite, the most considerate move would be for the Prince to move his wedding date instead of selfishly going ahead with it. After all, he's waited this long, why not wait another day?

In the meantime, millions of people are flocking to Rome, overwhelming security and inundating the city. The logistics are astounding. While they would prefer to search every visitor, it's simply not possible to do so. Now I have to wonder if there are terrorist groups afoot there who will sully the already sad day by doing something violent. I have to think they have watched his decline over the past years, and he does represent one of the largest Christian denominations in the world. To commit acts of terrorism on the day of his burial would give them even more notoriety and would spread even more fear amongst people of the world. I pray nothing like this happens. I pray they have proper respect for the dignity of this great man and his followers.


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