Zoo Talk

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Friday, March 02, 2007

A new iron, and other stuff

My old iron just plain stopped working. I figure it hit the floor one too many times, being knocked off the dryer where it usually lives. So, I got myself a new one. It was cheap - less than $7. But it works. See, I like to iron my uniform shirts and look nice when I go to work. So, I needed an iron. The new one works fine but the only thing I have against it is that you can't really turn it off. You can turn it way down, but it never goes off. I have to unplug it instead.

Now, I know all the safety rules say to unplug small appliances when they are not in use. I do that in the kitchen. But you have to reach over and behind the washing machine to plug the iron in, which is no easy task when you're as short as I am!

The iron is made by Durabrand and is a sleek looking item. It's a steam iron and you can set it to spray a lot or just a fine mist. I think I'll like it when I can get a good extension cord to use on it.

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