Zoo Talk

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Monday, January 08, 2007

Dinner is served...not

Brandon and Kevin fixed themselves some pork chops for supper. That's all. Just. Pork. Chops. I suppose they considered that a balanced meal since they were able to hold the plate on one hand without dropping it.

Anyway, now I'll have to find something for myself and I don't know what I'm really in the mood for. There's another chop left but if I have that, then I'll be wanting things like rice, veggies, applesauce, and a tall glass of sweet iced tea. Since I'm not in the mood to go all out to fix that stuff, I may just open a can of tomato soup and have that. Brandon can't stand the stuff anyway, so he won't feel deprived...lol.

Or, I might fix some ramen noodles. Even easier and I have chicken flavored so it would suit me just fine. Besides, it's chilly in here so the noodles would warm me up a bit.

I am NOT going to make coffee tonight since I have to rise so early in the morning. Really. I mean it. I'm not. I think.


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