Zoo Talk

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Sunday, January 07, 2007

The ever changing weather

Yesterday, raining cats and dogs, chilly. Today, sunny and warm. Right now, downright cold.

The broomstick skirt and matching top that I wore to church today is now proving to be a bit too cool even inside the house, so I've donned a sweater to warm up my arms. I do have a little heat going but I try to be very conservative with it since propane isn't exactly cheap to buy.

I should have cooked a good supper. That would've warmed me up a bit. Instead, we all just snacked around on leftovers, cheese and crackers, and cereal. At least we got some dishes in the fridge emptied out.

I got out some pork chops to cook for supper tomorrow, though it's highly likely they'll actually be for lunch instead.

Maybe instead of drinking coffee, I should make myself a pot of tea and use that new teapot I got for Christmas? I think the tea would ward off the chill that's making my fingers too stiff to type well.


  • At 1/07/2007 10:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Brrrr, it's cold here also. I have on my slippers, my husbands fleece, and a throw blanket over me.

  • At 1/07/2007 11:10 PM, Blogger Ann crum said…

    I am finally getting around to putting on a pot of tea for myself. Maybe it'll warm me up and help me sleep?


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