Now a word from my..
I guess you could say "sponsor". I wanted to share with you how much I've made from PayPerPost by just writing as I usually do, with a few extras thrown in. But not just yet. You have to read further. That's fair, don't you think?
PayPerPost is an online company that pays bloggers like me to write blog ads for advertisers they connect to. It's not difficult to do. You simply select the site or product or service from the available list, make sure your blog qualifies or meets the expectations of the advertiser, then you write on your blog. I always review the site before I take the opportunity so I can be sure it's really something that you, the reader, might be interested in. I don't take opps for sites I'm not comfortable with or would never endorse, so you can count on nothing offensive on any of my blogs.
Working this way, in my spare time, I've been able to generate enough income to make my car payments and insurance (Oh! I need to pay that!), and have more freedom in other ways. I can take advantage of deals I find while shopping. Saturday at Kohl's I got a cute cardigan for only $6. There was a time I couldn't have done even that. PayPerPost has made a lot of things possible for me.
Your blog, once qualified and approved, can start generating income for you, too. PayPerPost has undergone some huge changes lately and we've all experienced growing pains from them. But you, as a new PayPerPost affiliate will probably never notice them because you didn't see the "before". The bugs and kinks are being addressed daily and it's getting better all the time. Good enough that I'm still excited about it and have no qualms sharing this with you.
Oh, back to the original reason for writing this. So far I've made over $1,100 since October. Not bad for a little sideline job where I don't even have to leave my house, don't you think?

PayPerPost is an online company that pays bloggers like me to write blog ads for advertisers they connect to. It's not difficult to do. You simply select the site or product or service from the available list, make sure your blog qualifies or meets the expectations of the advertiser, then you write on your blog. I always review the site before I take the opportunity so I can be sure it's really something that you, the reader, might be interested in. I don't take opps for sites I'm not comfortable with or would never endorse, so you can count on nothing offensive on any of my blogs.
Working this way, in my spare time, I've been able to generate enough income to make my car payments and insurance (Oh! I need to pay that!), and have more freedom in other ways. I can take advantage of deals I find while shopping. Saturday at Kohl's I got a cute cardigan for only $6. There was a time I couldn't have done even that. PayPerPost has made a lot of things possible for me.
Your blog, once qualified and approved, can start generating income for you, too. PayPerPost has undergone some huge changes lately and we've all experienced growing pains from them. But you, as a new PayPerPost affiliate will probably never notice them because you didn't see the "before". The bugs and kinks are being addressed daily and it's getting better all the time. Good enough that I'm still excited about it and have no qualms sharing this with you.
Oh, back to the original reason for writing this. So far I've made over $1,100 since October. Not bad for a little sideline job where I don't even have to leave my house, don't you think?
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