Boarding house rules
- No drinking
- No girls
- No drugs
- No porn
- No cursing
- No parties
- No guests while I'm not at home
- No fighting
- Do your own laundry
- Clean up your own messes
- Pay rent the day you get paid (I work with you so I know)
- Commit to going to church somewhere
What do you think? Should I have more, less?
See, there's another young fellow that's going to be boarding here. Probably just temporarily until he gets a place and a car (nearly the same scenario as Kevin), and I want him and anyone else to know what the House Rules are. If you have any suggestions, feel free to pass them along to me in comments
Labels: conversation
At 2/08/2007 5:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
I would also suggest no late night phone calls. That's one of the rules I have for my son.
At 2/08/2007 6:10 PM,
Anonymous said…
No loud music (or have a "curfew" for how late music can be on). This could go for television, too, or anything else that may be disrupive.
At 2/09/2007 8:52 AM,
Anonymous said…
No girls?? If they are allowed no guests except when you are home, does this mean they can't invite their girlfriends over. Personally,I think male guests would be ok. Clean your mess immediately! If you are preparing meals for them,(does rent compensate the grocery bill)then they should clean the kitchen afterwards or at least help.
At 2/09/2007 10:25 PM,
Ann crum said…
k.darrell - that's a good idea about the phone calls but we don't actually have a phone except for our cell phones here. The only land line I have goes to the computer. But I'm keeping that tip in mind in case I ever get a real phone!
Lizzy - Good one about the loud music or TV!
Nellie - I should probably clarify that they can't be with girls behind closed doors here. Currently, none of them has a girlfriend so it's a non-issue for the moment. But that could change. No guests while I'm gone keeps even male friends from invading and having a party, tearing stuff up, etc. This is still my home. :)
Yes I do cook and yes the rent compensates for that, thankfully. You are right about them cleaning the kitchen afterwards, though.
At 2/09/2007 11:19 PM,
Dana said…
What about cooking and cleaning rules? Do you have TV and computer times/schedules? What about a rule about who eats what? I know some young guys are notorious for drinking the last bit of milk, then putting the empty carton back in the fridge.
At 2/10/2007 1:10 AM,
Ann crum said…
Kevin and Brandon have their own TVs. Kevin even has his own computer, though it's not on the internet. I doubt that Jesse has much more than a suitcase of clothes, but with the other guys here, he'll not have a problem with TV time. We only watch movies anyway, no commercial TV.
As for food, I've always allowed folks to eat anything here. If they use up the last of something, then they have to tell me so I can get more. But if they wait till midnight, too bad. It'll have to wait. I may put a list paper on the fridge and they can write in what's getting low...if they ever think of doing that!
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