Zoo Talk

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Saturday, March 31, 2007

Need to do some shopping

I'm getting low on a few things, primarily coffee. Those who know me well, know that just won't do. I have to have my coffee every day. If I'm not too weary after work, maybe we'll head over to Walmart and pick up that and a few other things I've noticed we're low on.

That is, IF this medicine I'm taking will let me drive! After reading the literature about it, I have discovered that one of them doesn't have the warnings about driving - Clonidine. I take that one twice a day so I'll have to take it this evening. Maybe by the time we get off work, the other one - Lisinopril - will have worn off sufficiently to allow me to actually drive safely. I feel better now than I did earlier. Not so groggy and dizzy, so it seems to be wearing off.

Ah, well, such is the life of a middle aged woman.

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