Zoo Talk

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Thursday, November 30, 2006


I worked today. Kevin worked today. Brandon did not work today.

He worked extra hours yesterday and last night so he stayed home today. I was surprised and unnerved when the other associate manager (she's been there a long time and is really second in command to the GM) told me I was shift manager today.

I've never done that before and I had to quickly learn how to fill out the pre-shift paperwork, get the registers set up for the new shift, and I had to wear the headset so I could hear what was going on in drive-through.

Ok, I hate the headset. See, I'm just ADD enough that hearing it makes me a bit unable to focus on other needful things that are going on right around me.

Anyway, I muddled through as best I could considering it was lunch rush and we got pretty busy. My job was to "float" (help out where needed), direct the crew, and make sure orders were made correctly and in a timely manner. It was also my job to get change from the safe when a register got low and to correct register errors or adjust order charges when needed.

I admit I was very relieved when the other manager sent me on some errands - to the bank and to the main office. I am not qualified to truly take over running the place so that meant she couldn't go herself. She's really sweet, though, and very encouraging. Also, while I was running the shift she was sort of teaching the crew that I was the one to ask if they needed something, so they came to me.

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