Zoo Talk

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Thursday, December 14, 2006

It's always something new, isn't it?

Right now I have an old VHS of "The Abyss" playing in my DVD/VCR player. It's a really good movie but I wish I had it on DVD. I'm sure it would be much better that way.

Of course, there's always something new on the horizon to make whatever I've got obsolete. Things like the Samsung Blu-Ray Disc Player. It's touted as being the very thing that will replace DVDs. Great. Now that we have over 100 DVDs, and have replaced some of our VHS tapes with them, something new comes along that will again replace what we have here.

I guess it's time to start studying up on this stuff. I'm not that technically inclined so I've looked over the DVD Recorders and Players Guide to see what's what. It's pretty interesting, even if I will have to start over again on my movie collection.

I guess that means I'll also need another TV instead of this old RCA console I have here, too. It's color. It plays pretty good. But it was made before remote controls, that's how old it is.

It's always something new, isn't it?



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