Zoo Talk

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Monday, December 11, 2006

Short work day

For a change, we didn't have to work as many hours today. Now, that's not good for the payday but we were all exhausted today for some reason.

We were supposed to go in from 9 to 5, which they changed to 10 to 6. We got there at 10 and worked through the lunch rush, then clocked out around 2. All three of us clocked out because the GM said we should go home early and get some rest. She's a really good boss.

When we got home I immediately checked email then put a corned beef brisket in the oven. After that, I loaded and ran the dishwasher, wiped down the table and counters, then laid down on the couch where I napped peacefully till my phone rang.

It was Elizabeth wanting my Mama's recipe for pimiento cheese. I gave her that, checked the brisket, then put rice in the steamer. I laid down a little while longer waiting for the rice to get done.

I have some leftover stir fry veggies in the fridge so that's what I served with the brisket and rice.

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