Zoo Talk

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Sunday, December 10, 2006

Lovely Sunday

Elizabeth called today and wondered if I'd cooked today. Well, I hadn't since I woke up very late. So we made plans - Brandon, Elizabeth, and I - to go out to eat. We decided on Cracker Barrel.

Now, if you've a Cracker Barrel near you then you really should sample the food there. The one near us has just the best stuff on the menu and we can always count on it to be fresh, tasty, and filling. It's home cooking without the home mess.

We ate heartily and had no room for dessert. We played the peg game that was at the table, to learn that according to how many pegs we had left, the three of us lead the community in ignoramous status..lol. Yeah. We aren't very good at tactical games, I guess.

Afterward we went shopping at Evilmart...oops, I mean Walmart. I really just despise going there but there's little else open and I have but little time to shop at all. I got groceries, and I'm through with Christmas shopping, I think, unless I've forgotten someone. That's possible, too.

We three wound up spending the whole afternoon and into this evening together. It was sweet fellowship. Elizabeth helped us put the groceries up when we got home, then she went to her home.

A few minutes ago she called wanting some cookie recipes, so I gladly shared them with her over the phone. As I was doing so, I thought back on all the years the kids and I made Christmas cookies together and packed them carefully into gift baskets for friends and relatives.

Things sure do change, don't they?

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