Zoo Talk

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Sunday, December 10, 2006

Keeping busy tonight

We have to work from 9 to 5 Monday. (Yes, it's ok to sing the song..lol) That means I need to hit the hay earlier than I usually do, but here I sit at my computer.

I have Christmas music playing. Right now, it's the Vienna Boys' Choir CD. It's a very nice CD of music, and it's peaceful to listen to.

I've also been studying my McDonalds management training book. It's huge - in a 3 inch binder. I go to the BSM (Basic Shift Management) classes in January so I need to complete this book before then. The reading of it won't be a big deal but I have to have another manager check me on various areas, too, while I'm at work.

Right now I'm just trying to get through it enough to start the shoulder-to-shoulder training portion and be able to answer questions. So, I'll read it once through, then I'll go back and focus on things I know I need to memorize.

Oh, and just so I can maintain a bit of energy tonight, I'm eating thin wheat crackers and goat cheese...Yum!!

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