Zoo Talk

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Thursday, January 04, 2007

Middle of the night activities

It's the middle of the night and I've got the laundry started. Well, it's almost finished washing, really, and I'll toss it in the dryer in just a bit.

Tomorrow (Friday) I'll fry that chicken that was still frozen today. It should be thawed by then since I put it in the fridge yesterday! It sure takes a long time for a pack of chicken to thaw out, doesn't it? Anyway, it'll be very tasty with mashed taters, gravy, and some veggies and biscuits to go with it. I can almost taste it now. Since I still have some blackeyed peas leftover from New Year's, I'll warm those up, too. I'd like to get them either eaten or gone some other way no later than tomorrow.

I also need to start a new grocery list, so I may just sit here and jot a few things down. We don't need a whole lot - just some things to fill in the gaps, so to speak.


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