Zoo Talk

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Saturday, January 27, 2007

News bulletin

Not really. We just need a new bulletin board. We have one of those 3M sticky kind. I got it at Office Depot about 4 or 5 years ago in the clearance basket for .88. I think we've officially gotten our money's worth. It isn't "tacky" anymore and it's hard to make it hold a piece of paper or a note now.

I think, since I still need to get camera batteries at OD, I'll see about getting another one like this. No need for push pins that way.

I've kept a bulletin board in the house for a long time so I could post reminders on it or store an important paper that I'd need to locate in the near future. If nothing else, maybe I can get one of those pretty ones with the ribbons criss-crossing it and then I can just slip papers or notes under the ribbons.

It really depends on what OD has in stock, I guess.


  • At 1/28/2007 11:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    *BUY* a criss-cross ribbon board? You know not! They are easy to make, and then you can choose the colors you want!

  • At 1/28/2007 11:45 PM, Blogger Ann crum said…

    I figured they're not hard to make and in all liklihood, I have what I need here to make one...except for the bulletin board itself..lol. Got a link for it?


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