Zoo Talk

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Thursday, January 11, 2007

Still need storage

I think I mentioned the other day that I’d boxed up a lot of the books back there in that room. I’ve got to get the rest of them boxed up so I can make better use of the room and also so that it would be easier if I decide to move closer to town.

Books are a special type of storage problem because they absorb moisture so easily and can mildew quickly, ruining the books for further use. It’s hard to clean and repair damaged books. I don’t want to lose any of that homeschool curriculum, especially all the A Beka I have back there, to moisture damage. When I secure a storage facility, I’d really like one that has amenities so that the books and whatever else I store will be protected.

I am really hoping that there’s a storage facility nearby that is climate controlled, but still not too much for monthly rental. I really need to commit myself to searching online for just such a place to store my things. I’m going to check first at Moving.bz so maybe I can also get a quick quote and make good plans.



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