Zoo Talk

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Friday, March 23, 2007

Kidney stones?

I think I may have kidney stones. I started having this pain, suddenly two nights ago at work. At first I thought maybe I'd pulled a muscle in my lower back, but all symptoms point to kidney stones and this is no fun at all.

I've got the pain on my left side in my back which radiates around my side and down toward my gut. It's not affected one way or the other by movement. However, occasionally the pain is quite sharp for a few moments.

I have a dr. appointment on the 30th for my blood pressure and if I'm still experiencing problems, I'll tell him then. I hope it goes away before then, though, since right now all I have is dental insurance and that definitely won't cover any treatments!

Have any of you had kidney stones?

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  • At 3/23/2007 7:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    They symptoms you described (radiates around my side and down toward my gut) are EXACTLY what my husband had when he was passing a kidney stone. Once it passed, the pain went away.

  • At 3/24/2007 12:17 AM, Blogger Ann crum said…

    That's why I believe this is a stone. It's beginning to move more "south", so still a lot of discomfort. I don't look forward the finally expelling it but I know I'll have relief once it's gone.


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