Zoo Talk

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Monday, March 26, 2007

Tax season

Like taking a trip to the dentist, I went to the tax preparer's office today. I was afraid that between my Ebay sales and paid blogging, I might wind up owing tax. After the paperwork was done, I actually will still be getting a refund. No, it's not as large as years past when we qualified for more deductions due to having minor children at home, but at least I don't owe anything!

I'll get some back from both state and Federal. I went with direct deposit since I can get the money a little faster that way.

Brandon had his taxes filed at the same place and they even called the IRS since he never got his refund last year. Good news is that they will be sending it to him, so he should receive that plus the current refund in about 3 weeks. He opted to have his mailed to him.



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