Zoo Talk

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Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Eating to lose

I've historically had to reduce my total food intake daily in order to lose weight. And working at McDonald's doesn't help with any of my weight loss efforts. I won't blame McDonald's, though, since they didn't put a gun to my head to force me to eat.

Still there are better choices I could make. What I'd really like to know is: Can you lose weight eating real food? Possibly, if your using certain recipes and foods from a place like d'Oni Enterprises. They have some really delicious sounding sauces such as "Moondance Marinade", "Burning Desire", and "Happy Together". The information says these sauces are low fat, low calorie, and super tasty. Since they spice up your food, your dining experience is more satisfying.

D'Oni Enterprises offers them to you along with some very good, low sale prices so you can order them online and save a few bucks while you're at it. With summer right around the corner, and those summer clothes we all want to fit into, now is the time to embark on a new weight loss diet. But remember to stay healthy, too.

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