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Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Landscape Design

Landscaping is much more than just planting various trees and bushes. Landscaping sets your property apart from your neighbors in a real and personal way. The way your property is designed should tell others something about you and the kind of things you enjoy.

I would tend toward lots of plantings with natural elements and paths in between. I love to explore my surroundings including the woods next to our home. I love the closeness of the trees and the way we can make a winding path through them while enjoying not only the canopy of the trees but the undergrowth of grasses and flowers. I like walking around old rocks with moss and lichens on them, feeling like a pioneer but knowing my house is but a few steps away.

This is where a company that specializes in Landscape Design can come in. SLDA is a landscaping design company whose priority is to reflect you, the homeowner, in the way the property plantings are designed and arranged. They will interview you and learn all they can about how you interact with your surroundings outdoors, and what things you have in mind when you dream of a landscaped yard. They will advocate for you and help you see your dream yard come to life.

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