Zoo Talk

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Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Late evening cooking

Elizabeth stopped in after work, and after she'd run some errands in town. She came by to have Brandon burn a CD for her, but while here she said she was hungry, did I have anything fixed to eat?

No, I didn't. I'd gotten home from work around 6 PM and laid down on the couch, so nothing was cooked. However, since we were all getting hungry I decided to see what I had that I could fix quickly.

I had some pre-cooked shrimp in the freezer and got it out. I made Herbed Shrimp, which was very fast and easy to do. Actually, I made the recipe up with things I had on hand, so that made it even easier. The link takes you to another of my blogs. :)

I served it with some sliced raw veggies and we had a nice little supper without much work. Elizabeth liked it all a LOT!

I like having some good foods on hand that can still be fixed in a moment's notice when someone drops by. Although having dinners that are more hearty and heavy than this are nice from time to time, I tend to enjoy these lighter meals - especially in the summertime when we are likely not to eat until it gets dark.



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