Zoo Talk

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Friday, August 26, 2005


~~Friday, August 26, 2005~~

Today was a really busy one for us. Danny's brother, sister-in-law, and their two grown children came all the way from where Danny was raised in MS to visit him. It's normally about a 5 hour drive. I think they made a wrong turn once and it wound up being more like 7 hours for them. They were all really tired by the time they got here.

They had left their home this morning around 3:30 AM and got here a little after 10 AM. I get tired just thinking about a drive that long.

We thought they'd be here earlier. Danny had an appointment for radiation at 10:10. Because we had run into some road construction then had to wait for a train to go by yesterday, which threw us a few minutes late, we left extra early today. Well, traffic was fine and no train so we actually got to the oncologist's office nearly 20 minutes early. However, they were running ahead of time so could take Danny right back. (How often does that happen at a doctor's office?)

Radiation only takes about 10 minutes, so he was in and out pretty quickly. We called home and his family had arrived, so we stopped and got gas in the van then headed on home.

Side note: We have learned far more about cancer and cancer cells than I'd ever wanted to learn. We learned that cancer cells do multiply and reproduce much faster than normal cells in the body. However, they aren't genetically designed to repair themselves as our other cells are. Radiation damages the cancer cells and some healthy cells in surrounding tissues. The cancer cells can't repair themselves, but the healthy cells can. An aggressive radiation therapy is done to damage cancer cells faster than they can reproduce. In the process, of course, since healthy cells are also damaged the body is fighting to repair itself. That causes extreme fatique, some pain, and eventually can cause radiation pneumonia when the cancer is like Danny's.

Right now, no pneumonia. That will come in a few weeks, and they'll then have to treat him for that. But I can already tell the healthy cell repair process in Danny's body is beginning to take its toll. He's beginning to experience more discomfort in his chest, akin to heartburn, and he's more fatiqued.

Because of visitors, Danny wasn't willing to lie down and rest after treatment today. He hasn't seen his family in a couple of years, so I don't really blame him. They all agreed that they now have a clear idea as to why we can't get over there more often - it's a long, tiring trip and gas is high.

I had put lemon basil chicken in the crockpot early this morning, on high. After we got home, I visited with family some then finished up our lunch. I fixed brown rice, mashed red skin potatoes with skins on, sliced fresh tomatoes, and poke salad. (For those who don't know, that's a wild green that grows in the South. You fix it like spinach with eggs scrambled in.) I was out of baking powder and low on flour, so no bread, biscuits, or cornbread, so I just served 100% whole wheat store-bought bread and real butter. Had sweet iced tea to drink.

After lunch was over and everything cleaned up, we all visited for awhile longer. Danny's family had brought a box of canned stuff for us. I was glad to see it since grocery money will be really tight for awhile.

They decided to leave around 1:30, so the visit wasn't nearly long enough. My heart broke for Danny. He cried when they left. He's so down right now.

Around 3, my Mom, sister and her husband came. They are camping within easy driving distance this weekend. They had been to Sam's Club and brought huge bags of macaroni and egg noodles, plus some #10 cans of veggies, fresh fruit, taters, onions, carrots, flour, baking powder, and a box of 36 individual servings of applesauce. All this will really help Danny. He needs more fruit and veggies now to help his body heal.

A little later, my grown daughter also came by and we all visited for a couple of hours. Danny went on and laid down for a rest. He was obviously done in from an already busy day and we all knew he needed to just lie down and not try to "entertain" anyone.

We had lunch leftovers for supper and pretty much finished them off. Tomorrow being Saturday, I'll get a short list made out and menus so that I can make best use of what's in the freezer plus pantry. I'll run to Walmart and pick up the needfuls. Don't know if Danny will feel like going or not. I'd like him to stay home and rest, but also I don't want to leave him here alone and the kids won't be here. We'll make that decision tomorrow.

I've spent the past couple of hours revising some Ebay listings. See, without thinking I put that books would be shipped Priority, so I went in and changed them all to Media. I was going to list more auctions, but by the time I revised all those other ones, I just didn't feel like messing with any more. At least listing Ebay in the middle of the night means auctions begin and end at a time of day when I *know* we don't have to go see a doctor.

Sometime after the 1st of September I'm pulling my stuff out of the flea market. So far, I haven't actually cleared money...just made enough to reduce my rent there. Plus, with taking Danny to treatments, I don't see how I'll have any time to really work it. I'll list that stuff on Ebay, too.

I'm praising God, though. He supplied the exact things we were running short on today. I believe He'll continue on the fashion, supplying needs, walking through this valley with us, and guiding our every step. You know, I even praise Him for pneumonia in Danny. See, if he hadn't gotten pneumonia and needed to be taken to the ER, this cancer wouldn't have been found and he wouldn't have gotten treatment.

Now, I'm wondering what kind of testimony Danny will have after all this!



  • At 8/27/2005 11:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    found another web site for you---www.pparx.com
    also, ask the doctors for samples of medicine that is prescribed for Danny.

  • At 8/27/2005 11:42 AM, Blogger Ann crum said…

    Thanks so much for all the links. I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed by all that has transpired lately, and am planning to visit these sites tomorrow (Sunday) while things are relatively calm and quiet here.

  • At 10/27/2005 12:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Good Morning hszoo, I find reading blog articles like Visitors most rewarding at times. It enhances the experiences of life in many cases.

    Being a physician, amongst other things I often have a soft spot for blogs related to web site traffic and /or sites that are built around web site traffic type items.

    Once again, thank you hszoo, and I will look for your posts again in the future. :-)


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