Zoo Talk

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Sunday, December 03, 2006

Made it through another shift

I really felt bad Saturday all day long. My ear was hurting. I was tired beyond description.

I took Brandon and Kevin to work, telling Brandon that I really needed to come in later than scheduled since I felt so bad. He said he'd tell the other managers and the GM, so it was ok.

I came back home and took a really hot shower. I scrubbed all over and when I got out, I lotioned all over. That helped a lot, especially since I have a shower massage. Ooo..nothing feels better than a steaming hot shower with the shower massage.

Even my ear felt better. Maybe the steam loosened something in there, but it's not as tight feeling as it was.

When I got to work, a lot of people asked me if I was ok, was I feeling better, stuff like that. I assured them I was ok and I could work the rest of my shift.

See, I'm not SICK sick. I'm just not feeling 100%. Maybe Sunday will give me a good rest.


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