Zoo Talk

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Thursday, January 11, 2007

BSM is over!!

This was the final day for Basic Shift management classes. It was really kind of fun and I didn’t expect that. I met new people, and they were all just as stressed as I was about the classes.

We did very well throughout it all, though. We were scored on a number of things including participation, attitude, and knowledge of the material. In fact, our people skills played a large role in the course since managers deal with both crew and customers.

I got a few new pins to wear on my collar or pocket. I got one because my birthday is coming up fairly soon. I got one for being on the team with the highest team score. And I got one for being on the team that won one of the games we played.

Along with a cute pin for my birthday, I got a pen, a McD cap, and a water bottle, all in a bag with a big M on the front…lol.


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