Zoo Talk

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Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Taking care of myself

I've spent a lot of years taking care of others. I've put myself aside so that my loved ones could have what they need. I don't regret a moment of that, but now that the kids are grown, and Danny has passed, I need to take care of myself.

I've started by trying to take care of my skin better. It's all I've been alloted for this lifetime and I don't want it to be so worn out looking. I don't mind looking my age. I just don't want to add years through abusing my skin.

I'm also trying to eat better. This means fewer sugars and less bad fat. I do think our bodies need fat for joint health and for those nutrients that are only fat soluble. But we overdo the fat and that's not good. It just serves to add pounds to the body then.

Even at a place like McDonald's, there are healthful alternatives. The salads are delicious and, as with all salads, the fat comes when you top it with too much fatty dressing or fried meat like bacon or breaded chicken. I use the grilled chicken on my salad. Instead of drowning the salad with dressing of any kind, I get a little tub of the honey mustard or hot mustard, then I just dip my fork into the dressing then spear a bite of salad. I can taste the dressing that way without it being all over every leaf and carrot. It's amazing how tiny an amount of dressing you consume in this manner.

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