Zoo Talk

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Thursday, February 22, 2007

More house hunting

I think I've convinced Brandon of the foolishness of paying such high rent as was required for the house he wanted us to try for. He found another one but this one's $750 a month so that's still far more than I'm comfortable paying. I have to try to get him to understand that the rent or payments must be within my budget limitations alone without including his income. That way, if he decides to live out on his own, I won't be scrambling for a cheap rent house again but will be able to remain where we move to.

I'm going to try to talk to some of the mobile home dealers around here about their land/home packages and see if I can qualify for anything like that. I'll also be contacting land sellers who do all the financing themselves for low downs and reasonable payments.

It could take some time, but even if I could get a piece of land and start paying for it, then perhaps, build or put in a mobile home or have a cabin constructed, at least it would be mine and not money down the drain for rent.



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