Ask Patty
Ask Patty is a website that targets women who are in the market for a car. It's female friendly so that women like myself don't feel either intimidated nor spoken down to when the quest for a car ensues. Now Ask Patty has become a part of Pontiac's Motorati Island, a virtual world where people can interact and engage one another, conduct business, and have some fun. There's even a page just for Ask Patty where you can learn even more about Motorati Island and Ask Patty's role there. You can visit AskPatty's Second Life Page and view videos, read more about the whole concept, and get excited.
If you want to compare cars, research them, locate a certified dealership, or have you questions answered in clear language, just visit If you want to engage in the Ask Patty virtual world in Second Life, you can immediately Teleport to AskPatty in Second life with just a click of the mouse. It's free to join. You can even build your own world there!

If you want to compare cars, research them, locate a certified dealership, or have you questions answered in clear language, just visit If you want to engage in the Ask Patty virtual world in Second Life, you can immediately Teleport to AskPatty in Second life with just a click of the mouse. It's free to join. You can even build your own world there!

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