Zoo Talk

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Monday, April 09, 2007

Easter Sunday

This wasn't the most festive Easter we've ever celebrated. However, we did go to church and it was great. The youth did a couple of skits with modern day themes. At the end of the services, we celebrated the Lord's Supper. That always moves me.

After church we had to work, though, so that was a bit of a downer. We had to close which is always tiring but even more so when we are shorthanded during a rush and for doing preclosing tasks. We made it through ok, though.

I was able to do part of the closing bookkeeping. Some nights there are so few of us closing that I have to work like regular crew. I'm always glad when I have a chance to get on the computer for some practice. I need plenty so I can eventually close the store by myself instead of depending on Brandon for help.



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