Zoo Talk

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Sunday, October 07, 2012

Stormy Saturday

I really didn't want to get up and around this morning. It was our chilliest morning thus far, and all I really wanted to do was stay wrapped up in my warm electric throw. But, I did have to go to work so I made myself brave the chilly house to get ready then headed on to work. I arrived early enough to get some hot coffee in me before I had to clock in.

It's Saturday so it was naturally pretty busy starting at around 8 AM. It gets busy a little later in the day on the weekends. Today was no different.

On my break, I ventured outside with my jacket and hoodie on, after I'd eaten a lunch of Mediterranean Noodles leftover from last night's supper. I even took a couple of pictures of the wildflowers that grow just at the edge of our break area. To me, it's like an oasis at the spot since everywhere else around it is pavement and concrete.

We got a little rain during the day, before it was time for me to come home. I arrived at home and had just walked in the door when it began thundering loudly. In just a few minutes, we were getting hail like crazy, followed by rain. It all passed through pretty quickly, but it sure got a lot colder after that. I even got a space heater out and fired it up in the living room, to help warm it up a bit in here.

I finally got brave enough to change out of my work clothes and put my flannel pajamas on, even though it was only about 3:30 in the afternoon. I drank a cup of hot chocolate, then another one, before I felt even the least bit warmed up. I turned on my electric throw and bundled up in it until I felt like I could function making some dinner.

Predictions are for frost and freeze warnings covering a large portion of our state tonight. I fetched in my potted basil plants and covered the potted tomato plants I'd started over a month ago.

Supper was this and that from the leftovers in the fridge. The space heater in the living room helped warm it up but it's time to get the other two out and in place -- one in the bathroom and one in the kitchen -- in order for the house to be warm. We have neglected to replace the plastic on the windows, too, so we'll need to do that chore as soon as possible.

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