Zoo Talk

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Friday, November 03, 2006

Chicken soup for the cold

Before we left for work this morning, I put a package of boneless chicken breasts in the crock pot. When we got home tonight, they were done and the house was filled with the aroma of cooked chicken.

We stopped on the way home and picked up a bag of egg noodles. I cooked the noodles in the broth of the chicken and added some of the chicken (which I'd shredded) to the mix. By the time the noodles were cooked, the broth was nearly all soaked up which gave us our favorite chicken noodle "soup". It's really not very soupy by the time it's done, but it sure is tasty!

With this cold I have, the chicken soup was just what I wanted and it really hit the spot. I also cooked up a can of refrigerated cinnamon rolls and we ate some of those for our dessert. Now my tummy is warm and full, and I'm feeling so much better.


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