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Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Are you a gambler?

We play cards here a lot, especially games like Phase 10 or Rummy. I’ve never thought about playing Online Poker or going to a casino. Why? I’m not a gambler and don’t believe it’s the right thing to do. I honestly think it’s a waste of time and money, neither of which do I have enough of as it is. As a consumer, I prefer to pay money for real goods and services, not for playing a game where the stakes are high.

I can only imagine how much more often casino visitors might gamble if they had discounts available to online casinos. Websites like PokerSavvy.com certainly offer them. They can get bonus codes, savvy points, and free gifts there. They can also download and play poker in what they call Rooms. This site will even teach them how to play poker games such as Texas Hold'em.

At least they do offer a free poker page where you don't actually have any finances involved in playing the game. Most of the rooms do require that you use money to play the games, though.

They also offer online poker playing strategies and tips to help the player. The tournaments offer over $1,000 in gifts and prizes each month...that is, if you win.



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