Zoo Talk

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Monday, December 18, 2006

Mississippi news - Part 4

After the cemetary visit, we headed to Danny's brother's house for the big dinner. There was already much food prepared and others began to arrive.

We were very much surprised that one of my sons was there, too! We were very excited to see Daniel. We thought he was living in Florida but found out he'd been in Mississippi for quite awhile. He was also very glad to see us. I wanted him to just get in the car and come home with us, but he has some business to attend to there and can't right now. He is wanting to move back over here with us, though, and I'll be glad when he does.

Danny's niece and her husband brought in a handmade oak treasure box and gave it to me. I had asked about him building one to contain Danny's personal things, and he made this beautiful piece that I'm very pleased to use. Inside was a picture of Danny and I, Brandon and Elizabeth, when the kids were very small. It was Elizabeth's first Christmas. Both were dressed in red outfits with white shirts underneath. I don't even remember anyone taking the picture of us, but it was a good one and I'm tickled to have it.

Of course, all that got me to crying, which got Brandon and Elizabeth to crying, which got everyone else to crying. There's been so much sadness the past couple of years. So many husbands have passed away in such a short time frame.


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