Zoo Talk

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Saturday, December 16, 2006

Way too much fun!

Ok. I admit it. I played these games and spent way too much time messing with them. They're a hoot! Being on dial-up, they loaded a bit slowly for me, but once loaded I kind of got caught up in playing them. What games, you say? Why, Christmas online games, of course!

These are little online games from eCard sites and they are really cute. I'm going to be sending some of these out to friends and family so they can join the fun. They can be sent and received for free from Blue Mountain, although if you want, you can get a membership and full access to the site for $13.99 a year.

I think of the eCard games, the Elf Toss is my favorite. There's just something about throwing an elf that makes me giddy. But I can see already that I could sure spend a lot of time just playing with all these games.

The blog I clicked from has all sorts of other eCards listed, too. It's really well organized. I'll probably be checking back there in the future for other eCards I can send.



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