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Tuesday, December 19, 2006

New tech news site

This site is so new it hasn't even fully launched yet. Information on it is minimal and the page is plain so far, although it does load quickly. They hope to have reviews about a lot of tech and consumer electronics when they open it up in Spring of 2007.

From what I saw so far, they are simply connecting the reader with off site reviews. I didn't see any reviews that were done by the creators of the site and they give no indication that this will change. Probably the notion that centralizing reviews for these electronics and tech items could be a good idea in order to keep us, consumers, from having to crawl all over the web to find them ourselves.

My preference, however, would be to see the actual reviews on the primary site and not just links to other sites such as CNet, TrustedReviews, and HomeTheaterMag. They do offer, however, to send $100 to the person who refers a very good review site to them. They also say they will have some reviews from consumers and bloggers in the future. I would liked to have seen some more personal reviews today, though.



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