Zoo Talk

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Wednesday, January 24, 2007


I've got the dishwasher running. There are a few things I need to wash by hand, like my new electric skillet and some of my good knives. (No, I NEVER EVER put good knives in the dishwasher. They wind up dull.)

I need to get Mt. Laundrymore scaled again. How does that happen with so few people here? Kevin does his own laundry, so I can't blame him! Nonetheless, it's got to be done.

Brandon took out the old futon mattress and an old egg crate mattress that had seen better days and burned them both along with some trash. He said they burned quickly, and I'm glad of that. I don't like burning things but you have to do what you have to do when you live way out here.

We talked again about moving into town. I surely do dread it if we wind up moving. Why? Because it's been absolute years since we've lived in town. I know it'd be far more convenient for lots of reasons. Since we don't raise goats anymore, there's really no point to having land enough for that purpose. I just guess I like the quiet country life.


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