Zoo Talk

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Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Shopping on my day off

Brandon and I did a little shopping today. Kevin had other plans with friends, so we went to town around 1 PM.

First, we ate at Chic-fil-a. Now I have to tell you, I love that place. Tasty food and a peaceful atmosphere, since it's Christian owned. Even the music they play is Christian music. Mostly CCM.

Then we went to take back the X-Box he'd bought the other day. It didn't work right so the game store exchanged it even-steven. He also got a couple of games while he was there.

Headed over to Pet Smart to get Sassy some shampoo and flea spray. I figured I could get better products there than at Walmart. I also picked up some dog food for her and she REALLY liked it. Looks like I'll be going back for that again! I'll update later about the shampoo and flea spray and let you know how well they worked.

Then we went to the town where we work, to the grocery store there. They have this deal where you can get 5 meat items for $19.99, so we got two sets of that. It's a variety of meats and pizzas, but in all I came out pretty good money-wise.


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