Zoo Talk

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Saturday, January 06, 2007

Hear the music?

Ok. I confess. I like a lot of genres of music and one that I like is Techno. Don't throw rotten fruit! I like the upbeat rhythm and the sound of the music those folks produce. I even have some German techno on my computer! I admit that I don't follow the DJs much, but it might be a very interesting proposition to actually go where one is and listen live. However, at my age I probably wouldn't fit in very well.

If I were a registered member of Groove All Night, I could find where DJs will be playing, I could connect with other Techno afficianados, I could read reviews, and I could view pictures others have posted. I could even get email updates from them. The site is nicely done and sets the mood for listening to Techno, Trance, House, and similar music forms.

If you're interested in these same things, check out the site and leave me a comment. It sure would be nice to know I'm not the only Techno fan around!



  • At 1/07/2007 1:29 AM, Blogger Pepper said…

    I found your blog through Skeet. I have not heard of Techno but I will be checking it out.

    My daughter in law works for McDonald's and is taking the same test as you.

    You have a great blog. I enjoyed reading it.

  • At 1/07/2007 1:45 AM, Blogger Ann crum said…

    Thanks for stopping in, Pepper. I really like Skeet on the forums.

    Hope your daughter in law does well on the test. And thanks for the compliment about the blog.

    As for Techno music, it's electronically generated but the sound is pretty neat.


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