Zoo Talk

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Saturday, January 20, 2007

Kevin and his car

Next week, Kevin takes a big step in his young life. I told you about a month ago that he'd passed his written test for his driving license. Now it's time for him to take the next step - the skill portion of the driving test. There are a couple of hold-ups, though.

For one thing, though he did buy a car he must have car insurance. Next thing, he has to get a tag on the car. See, it has to be tagged and insured before he can use it for taking his driving test or I have to have him on my car insurance for him to use my car. Since he needs all that stuff done anyway so he can actually use his car, he's going to get it legal and we'll just take it to the testing center for his test. Pray he passes! Then he could be put on his own work schedule instead of having to always go to work when Brandon and I do.

If he had a way to buy his insurance online, he could price shop the car insurance companies and probably get a better deal than local sellers can give him. However, he operates strictly on cash so he has to get his insurance from a local seller.

Even so, he can read and study some things online. For instance, GEICO has safety lessons for teen drivers including a new one that deals with teens and big trucks on the highway. Big trucks offer a very special safety issue since there are blind spots and other limitations the teen may not be aware of. Indeed, maybe YOU could use this safety information, too! Just look at Teens and Trucks plus other safety issues. Carinsurance.com also links you to car insurance companies, driver safety tips, and best deals online.



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