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Sunday, February 04, 2007

Antivirus software

When we bought this computer it had a trial of an antivirus software program already installed. When the trial period was up, I downloaded the free AVG antivirus, and it seems to be working ok.

My sister, on the other hand, has used a Norton Antivirus program for as long as she's had her computers. First, with the old computer and now with her newest one. She's completely satisfied with the operation of the program and how it protects her computer. Since she's a photojournalist, you can well imagine that she needs her computer to remain virus free so she can send articles and digi photos to the newspaper and the regional news paper that is published weekly. This is part of her income and she absolutely cannot afford to have anything on her computers lost.

I learned while reading the Norton Antivirus 2007 Reviews & other info that CNET gives Norton Antivirus a very good rating for its speed and effectiveness, while being "lighter" on your system than it previously was. Their own internal performance review says that it takes up less memory, scans faster, and boots faster, too.

Once, quite a few years ago, I didn't have antivirus protection and opened an email from our pastor then opened the attachment. It was the happy99 virus! Yikes! I wound up spending a lot of money at the computer place getting that out of the system, and I bought virus protection while I was there. I could have saved a bundle if I'd had it to start with.

Look over the Norton products. If you don't have virus protection on your computer right now, you're really gambling with your machine and your data. Protect it.



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