Local fitness club
I learned just recently that McDonald's employees can get a discounted membership to a local fitness club just because we let them put their sign-up box in our store. I had wondered why we allowed that, but not other commercial sign-ups. I should probably look into joining and trying out some of their fitness equipment myself. The big problem is that once I get off work, I'm so sore and tired from being on my feet, it's all I can do to come home and take a hot shower!
In fact, once I've driven home, my hips and legs don't even want to function and I shuffle around here like I'm a hundred years old.
In fact, once I've driven home, my hips and legs don't even want to function and I shuffle around here like I'm a hundred years old.
At 1/21/2008 9:28 PM,
jannwebb said…
I know EXACTLY what you mean, Ann! You should check them out, though. They might have some sort of whirlpool, sauna, or massage-something-or-other that might be beneficial to relax you after work! Now that would be great! LOL!
At 1/21/2008 10:10 PM,
Ann crum said…
I hadn't thought about that, Jann. Now I WILL have to check it out! OOoo..sauna...that would sure feel good. So would the other stuff. :)
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