Zoo Talk

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Monday, August 15, 2011

Turn it back on!

I suppose there is something to be said for not having internet service right now. I've been actually reading more...LOL. I read my latest issue of Mother Earth News from cover to cover, even the ads in the back. I'm digging out more of them to read in the same way.

Son, who plays xbox games online, hasn't been able to do that. Can you say "Yay"? Sorry, about that, all you folks who play them "live", but it seems like a bigger time waster than the social networking page I'm part of. Maybe not. Maybe it's just my own perception of what constitutes a waste of time. I suppose everyone needs a hobby.

Really, though, I'll be glad when they get the internet service fixed. I caught up with email and family news by going to town and getting on the wifi last night. But it would really be better if I didn't have to drive anywhere and use that expensive gas. My monthly internet bill is a lot lower than my gas bill to drive extra miles!

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