Zoo Talk

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Friday, September 16, 2011

Cooler weather

Brrrrr! Ok, so I am NOT a cold weather person. To many of you, this weather is glorious and isn't cold at all. But to me, I just sit wrapped up in an afghan and wish for summer to return.

I'm sure warm weather will come again before it settles into fall and winter temperatures. Those days will be very much welcomed by me, you can be sure. It's only 63 here now, and sprinkling, with a chance of more rain today. My thoughts drift toward hot chocolate, hot apple cider, or a steaming pot of chili when it starts cooling down.

I know, I'll get used to this temperature...just in time for it to drop even further! I don't want to start using the heaters just yet. It's not cold enough for that, of course. Layering clothes helps me stay warmer. Maybe it's just the thought of cooler weather that makes me feel cold.

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