Zoo Talk

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Thursday, September 08, 2005


It's been a busy day, but very enjoyable and satisfying.

First thing was radiation in town, of course. We got home from that just a little while before Danny's family members got here. It was really wonderful to see them.

They blessed us with home canned foods from some folks we used to go to church with over in MS. They also blessed us with a lunch of barbecue sandwiches with all the trimmings - and a delicious home made pineapple cake. They even brought disposable ware so clean-up was a breeze. And, some general household items for laundry, dishes, and bathing. Things like that mean so much during these lean days.

You know, only this morning Danny was saying he wished we had a cake - coconut, chocolate, pineapple - something to snack on. I told him I'd make him a chocolate one tonight. Then, lo and behold, we receive a cake here that was one he had mentioned! I know it was a God-thing for it to happen just this way, just on time.

We had such a good visit with his family members. We all talked about serious things some, but also laughed a lot. The laughter was really good for Danny and me, both.

Prov 17:22 A merry heart doeth good like a medicine KJV

How true that is!

They missed both the kids, though, since they had gone to work before the family got here, and didn't get home until well after they'd gone. We're all hoping that if they get to come again for another visit, the kids will be here to do a little visiting, too.

Sometimes I have moments where I think,"How will we manage? How will I keep from falling apart?" Today, I had strength. Not my own, certainly. I prayed the Presence of God would be with us all today, and I know He was here.

Isa 26:4
Trust ye in the LORD for ever: for in the LORD JEHOVAH is everlasting strength

Whatever do people do who don't have the Lord to trust in?



  • At 9/08/2005 10:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

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  • At 9/09/2005 7:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Ann, I do agree! How do the unbelieving manage. Maybe not necessarily unbelieving, but those that have not accepted Christ salvation and depend on their own means to survive. Iknow from your testimony in your blog, that you will hurt, be afraid of the known and unknown, but you have no doubt where your source of strength. God bless you and yours and in His mighty wisdom care for you all.

    Again thank you for testimonies each posting. I am concerned for you and Danny is one reason I read your blog and I also read for the uplifting it gives me.


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