Zoo Talk

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Wednesday, October 19, 2005


Today is Danny's last day of radiation...at least for awhile. He's been on low dose chemo for the past 3 weeks. Next Tuesday, he goes for blood work and consultation with the chemo doctor, who will tell us how things will proceed now that radiation is over. We'll talk with the radiation dr. today and he'll also let us know his thoughts on Danny's progress.

Folks, I'm really tired and so is Danny. We're also both a bit "raw" from all this invasive medical stuff, the stress related to dealing with such a disease, and the continual concerns of just living day to day while trying to "accomodate" this illness. This has got us both worn out so neither of us has really accomplished much of "regular" life lately. We'll stop by WM and pick up a few things today, plus run by and pay the water bill, then to home. Then rest.

I'll be honest and say the house has really suffered. Time is a factor, of course, as we've had to be gone at least half a day, usually more, every day of the week. The kids' schedules have also been tight, so it's just been it or miss around here. Now that daily radiation is ending, maybe I can dig in and really get more done, purge things, and get ready for when Danny's on full chemo. I figure he'll be pretty sick so I need to do these things in preparation for those days.
Re: purge: By this I mean to get things gone and do it with a vengeance. I've done this before but it's time to do more. Our experience over the past weeks has really opened my eyes and there's really no "thing" here that's as important as peace and calm in our home.

I've got a stock of paints which means I only need ONE of each color. Because paint is costly, the rest will be stowed, but not in full view. I need the shelf space for other things.

I'll start ripping out things from the closet. I know there are things in there that I/we simply do NOT need anymore. I'll donate what's any account, and burn the rest. Ditto with every storage spot in here. Every room seems to have things in it that don't belong. That happens in a small place like ours, but I truly believe I can get things where they need to be as long as I get rid of things that are meaningless, useless, or redundant.

I may try building some simple shelves to further contain the Ebay items.It's mostly books and the shelves don't have to be Ethan Allen quality..lol. Really just need to be sort of racks that the books can go on. I need to keep a good inventory of that sort of thing here, easily access them, and maintain a designated area for the items with bids or that will be shipped soon.

I've got to get my records organized, too. I've got all the paperwork from doing Ebay, but it's just stacked. Now maybe I'll have time to get it all filed.

Soon cold weather will be upon us, which means cleaning the heater and getting ready to use it. My sister gave us an electric blanket. Not new, but it works very well. That will help a lot with keeping warm in the back bedroom. We also need to get more butane for the heater. Since we use the gas bottles instead of a large tank, we have to go get them refilled every so often. Our goal is to get them all filled so we aren't left cold or no way to cook when one runs out. We can just switch off to the next one.

I know all this sounds pretty ambitious, but by working a given amount of time each day on such things, I have confidence it can be done.

Please continue in prayer for us, especially for Danny. Thank you.



  • At 10/19/2005 9:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

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  • At 10/19/2005 11:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Continued prayers coming your way!!
    Love ya,

    Tammy in Maine


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