Zoo Talk

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Thursday, September 29, 2005

Thursday update

Danny's been having a headache every day after radiation on his head. It's hard to say if he had a headache or not. We were both so tired by the time we got home. It was a long day.
It took over an hour at the radiation this morning. Danny discovered a knot under his right jaw this morning while he was shaving and we had to wait for the dr. to look at that. He felt something and thinks it's the cancer spreading. He ordered a CT scan for tomorrow afternoon at the hospital - 5 PM.
We also had an appointment at the chemo dr. at the hospital, over in the wing where Heather was when she had Emily. It was for 11:15 but it was nearly 1 before we got there. Danny filled out paperwork then we finally saw the dr. Talked to him for a long time. He ordered an EKG for tomorrow around 3:30 at the hospital. He wants to start small doses of chemo next week. We hadn't had lunch at that point and it was around 2, so we went to Sonic and grabbed a bite to eat because Danny also had bloodwork today so they could see about his blood count, oxygen level, etc. We were both getting pretty hungry.
The chemo dr. also felt the knot under Danny's jaw and said it felt to him like a small tumor in the lymph node there.
He can't eat or drink for 6 hours before the CAT scan tomorrow so we'll need to make sure he eats lunch by 11.
Monday he'll go in for outpatient surgery and get a port put in under his collar bone for the chemo. They'll leave a needle in it so that Tuesday he can have chemo. That will take about 2 to 2 1/2 hours, they said. They'll take that needle out but the port will still be there for future chemo treatments.
He's to get a prescription for tablets to take before the chemo, but not for this lower dose chemo. They are for later when they use the higher dose stuff. Also, a scrip for nausea. The doctor said the chemo would run around 12 to 18 weeks. It depends on how he does and if they do the once a week kind or the even stronger once every three weeks kind.
Anyway, it was nearly 5 before we got home today so we were definitely ready to just rest. We both napped a long time and just snacked for supper when we got up.
His brother and other family members are coming sometime tomorrow morning. Danny told the radiation people about it and they told him if he wanted to just call in the morning and cancel his appointment for tomorrow. They said they would just do one extra one at the end of this round and he'd still be ok.
We found out the hard way today that Danny can only get 3 prescriptions a month on the medicaid card. The pharmacy told us to call the dr. in the morning and have him contact medicaid to bump it to 6 a month, since that's the only way to get it higher. That's as high as they go on it. Also, they suggested having him rewrite the prescriptions so that Danny gets double of the things he might have to get more than once a month. Danny will call Dr. Raney in the morning (that's who wrote these scrips) and see about it. Anyway, we had to get Albuterol again. I had the money in the bank for it, thank goodness.
Now I need to package up Ebay stuff and get it ready to ship out tomorrow. That takes some time. I usually do this on Thursday afternoons, but our afternoon was shot today.
I'm also trying to get a few things straightened up in here for company tomorrow, but they may have to just see some of it and look over it. I'm feeling a little discouraged tonight due to that new lump on Danny. And he's not feeling well at all. He told me that before I woke up, he'd thrown up a couple of times. He also tried to eat but couldn't get anything down.

Friends, just keep praying for us. I know this isn't impossible for God. It's just hard for us. I know the "enemy" is at work here in Danny's body and in my spirit. David's song says it all

Ps 6:2-10
Have mercy upon me, O LORD; for I am weak: O LORD, heal me; for my bones are vexed.
3 My soul is also sore vexed: but thou, O LORD, how long?
4 Return, O LORD, deliver my soul: oh save me for thy mercies' sake.
5 For in death there is no remembrance of thee: in the grave who shall give thee thanks?
6 I am weary with my groaning; all the night make I my bed to swim; I water my couch with my tears.
7 Mine eye is consumed because of grief; it waxeth old because of all mine enemies.
8 Depart from me, all ye workers of iniquity; for the LORD hath heard the voice of my weeping.
9 The LORD hath heard my supplication; the LORD will receive my prayer.
10 Let all mine enemies be ashamed and sore vexed: let them return and be ashamed suddenly.




  • At 9/30/2005 6:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Ann--Each day you and Danny are in my thoughts and prayers. I know how hard this is for you and Danny as well as other family members.
    I pray for strength for you .

  • At 9/30/2005 8:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    In NC medicaid will pay for as many meds as are needed if one has a lifethreatening ailment. My mom was on about 11 differnet meds at one time and all she had to pay was either $1. or $3. per script. If I remember correctly, the Walmart pharmacy faxed an override sheet to the dr., he signed it and sent it back and all was covered except the small amount that she paid. Maybe medicaid is different for different states. I know get Mother's meds at K-Mart and she pays nothing because she is on the CAP program, but before that her meds had been reduced to 6 and she only paid $1. for generic and $3. for name brand. If you cannot get proper help with medicaid, maybe the drug company will furnish the meds. It is a shame that one either seems to have to do without food or meds.


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