Zoo Talk

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Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Fall into winter?

I am guessing that just about everyone who reads this is now in the midst of autumn weather, regardless of what part of the country you are in. Those of you in other hemispheres are experiencing a little different weather than we have here, aren't you?

Some of the "old timers" around here are saying we're in for a hard winter. The weather service says we are in for a mild winter. Hmmm. Guess we'll learn in time who's really right, won't we? lol

So, how's the weather going in your neck of the woods? Are you getting a lot of rain or are you already seeing some snow?

Of course, it's late now and I'm still up, typing away here. I put "Second Hand Lions" in the DVD player and am watching it. I've seen it before but it's a worthwhile movie, I think.


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