Zoo Talk

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Monday, November 06, 2006

First time buyer

That's me. I bought that car myself, and it's the first time in my life I've ever applied for credit or any kind of loan to buy anything on my own. I must have filled out a ream of paperwork, initialed every line, signed every page, and given half the county for references.

I was a bundle of nerves doing all that. My mouth went cotton dry. My tummy was rumbly and upset. I guess I needed the stretching but I'm an old gal and new stuff is hard for me..lol.

I can pay the payments for the car right at the place where I bought it or I can do it by sending checks in the mail, as long as the checks get to them on or before the due date or within the grace period. They did set me up so that my payments are 2 days after I get paid, which is twice a month. I had a hard time making them understand that "twice a month" is NOT the same as every two weeks, but finally they got it. So I can give them personal checks, money orders, or cash for payments. That also means if need be, I can send my son or daughter by there while they're in town to drop off a payment for me. I can even drop it in their night deposit as long as it's not cash and it has my information on it so they can apply it properly to my account.

The primary thing for me is to carefully watch my budget and get those loan payments in on time! If things happened that made me short on money, I suppose I could get a payday loan, but I really want to avoid that if possible. I've heard about nightmarish deals gone awry where that's concerned. And my personal thought is "If I don't have the money THIS week to pay a bill, how will I expect to have that amount plus interest in a week or so to come?" It just seems like a bad idea all the way around, but maybe I'm just too conservative or something.



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