Zoo Talk

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Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Tech goodies

We really like technology here at our house. Brandon is always searching the internet for new items to add to our tech repertoire. And the way things go, technology brings new gadgets on the scene almost daily.

Now, ZTMax.com is selling some really cool gadgets that would melt any tech's heart, I think. You can get a Driverless Webcam from Pico Instruments, Multifunctional Digital Mini Speaker, or any number of other high-tech items to add to your current operating system.

They put two new products on their homepage that are ahead of the game on all fronts. You can purchase these products and be "the first in your neighborhood" to own them simply by visiting and ordering from ZTMax.com. They are cutting edge products and feature advances that you can't buy from the computer store down the street yet. Not only that, but the prices are easily within reach. The only catch is that the products are in limited quantity.

Here's what they say on their webpage:
Why do you have only two items?
We like to keep things simple, we think one is too little and three is too many so we settled for a number in-between.

ZTMax is operated by Ron Sharon, owner of Zetta Global. It is one of the leading professional importers in the high tech industry. Give them a test run!



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