Zoo Talk

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Sunday, December 03, 2006

Food safety

My head is killing me right now. I'm studying a food safety book that I just got yesterday. I have to finish it by tomorrow because Tuesday I go to the ServSafe class. The book I'm studying is pretty large and I'm trying to jot down answers to questions included in the text as I go along.

Of course, the class will also teach me these same things, but my GM wanted me to be fully prepared when I go to the class. A few of us are going together, so we'll ride in one car. Probably mine since it's the largest one.

We'll all meet at our McDonalds Tuesday morning and go from there. We get our regular rate of pay to attend the course. When we're finished, we take an exam and if we pass, are certified for 5 years.

While there is a lot in the book I already knew from experience and previous EH classes on food safety, plus we studied that when we homeschooled, there are things I never knew. Especially the names of all the various contaminants and the related illnesses. Looonnngg names I have yet to pronounce.

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