Zoo Talk

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Sunday, January 07, 2007

Easing shopping frustration

Did you ever buy something and think it was a bargain, then nearly the next day find it on sale for far less than you gave for it? Boy, I have! The other day, I filled my car up with gas that was $2.14 a gallon, the cheapest around at the time. The very NEXT day, it was $2.04 a gallon at the same station. Oy! By the time I need gas again, it probably won't be that low but I can't take advantage of it now because I have nearly a full tank still.

I've had similar experiences with online shopping as well. I'm sure you can relate. It's a bit disheartening to find something dirt cheap just after you've ordered the same item someplace else - or even at the same online store. Well, gather 'round because I have some good news for you, and for me. Now, if you make a purchase at Amazon.com you can check in at Amazing Refund within 30 days and if there's a drop in price, they'll give you a refund of the difference. Amazing!

This is an Amazon company so it's all connected. I've purchased from Amazon in the past and still do occasionally. Especially when I'm wanting a particular book or movie, though I know there are other items there. The thing is, anything I order through Amazon can actually be ordered now through AmazingRefund.com since ALL orders are processed by Amazon.

Now, for folks that aren't in the U.S., don't despair. There's a sister site for the UK, so you can take advantage of the bargains and the price guarantee, too.

And just how does one know there's been a price drop? They send you an email to let you know how to claim your refund. How's that for service? You don't even have to check back at the site yourself because they'll let you know.

Yes, this is one I'm definitely bookmarking!



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