Zoo Talk

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Monday, January 22, 2007

Soaps fans

There is a new website for you to look at if you're into the soap operas that appear on your television daily. It's mostly my favorite color - pink - but that has little to do with the content of the site.

At this new site, Soap Opera Updates, you can find updates along with gossip about your favorite soaps and soap stars. It's updated daily, so you know the content is fresh.

I think the only drawback to the site is it's so crowded on the home page. There's a lot to look at there and my eyes got full pretty quickly. Some of the elements would probably do as well if moved off the home page. Things like the polls, surveys, and celeb birthdays could simply have a link to them instead of being presented right up front. I also think a link to "More News" would be better than so many entries for it on the front page of the site.

The editor is doing her homework, though, in finding all this information in order to deliver it to you. That's got to take a lot of hours to compile and bring fresh to you daily. So give her a big thumbs-up for tireless work to bring you the soap opera news you crave.




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